

Volume 2

Arpagian, Nicolas

  • Éditeur : PC
  • ISBN 9782912683434
  • Paru le 1 février 2007
  • 54,95 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Présentation d'exemples d'aménagements intérieurs et de décoration de lofts.

Quatrième de couverture

Lofts - Urban space concept . As beauty is never wearisome, it is wandering afresh through exceptional living spaces which we here offer you.. Each of these lofts contains hidden treasures which we have attempted to reveal to you. A few pages of dreams, omnipresent light, sufficient to marvellously illustrate this new art of living, dedicated to freedom. Freedom of form, freedom in space,... the loft is a beneficial break in the hectic pace of city life.. Let yourself be guided in this unusual promenade which will transport you from one atmosphere to the next, for the greater delight of your eyes..