
Bertrand Lavier, depuis 1969 : l'exposition

Bertrand Lavier, since 1969 : the exhibition

Gauthier, Michel

  • Éditeur : Centre Georges Pompidou
  • Collection : Album
  • ISBN 9782844265838
  • Paru le 23 octobre 2012
  • 17,95 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Album de l'exposition rétrospective de l'oeuvre de Bertrand Lavier organisée au centre Pompidou à Paris présentant des peintures, des sculptures, des photographies, des superpositions d'objets, etc.

Quatrième de couverture

Since 1969, Bertrand Lavier has destabilised codes and categories with his trademark wit and virtuosity. The Centre Pompidou presents an exhibition featuring around 50 works that showcase his method of grafting and the main themes that structure his art. Figurative paintings « applied to the design », which use their subject as a medium ; stacked objects governed by formal relationships ; a teddy bear or a skateboard on pedestals, akin to objects displayed in primitive art museums ; nickel-plated replicas of African statuettes or paintings and sculptures in the manner of Walt Disney : these are just some of the propositions presented in this album, which allows us to understand the essential role that Lavier plays in the art of today. .