
Tour Montparnasse, 1973-2013 : je t'aime... moi non plus (La)

Andreu, Sylvie

  • Éditeur : La Martinière
  • ISBN 9782732458960
  • Paru le 12 août 2013
  • 59,95 $ *

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


A travers le récit de la construction de la tour Montparnasse achevée en 1973, la plus haute tour d'Europe à cette époque avec 210 mètres de hauteur, ce document anniversaire, basé sur des archives et des témoignages, restitue l'histoire et les métamorphoses du quartier, des années 1960 à aujourd'hui.

Quatrième de couverture

Not many people remember, but on 18 June 1973 the French capital gained height. At 210 metres above ground, everyone who was anyone in Parisian political and business circles was patting themself on the back, braving the gusts of wind and feigning a head for heights to celebrate the completion of Tour Montparnasse, the highest building in Europe at the time. That was forty years ago. . At the turn of the new millennium, it took on a new cloak of light and now attracts more than a million visitors a year. . A piece of impassioned research, informed by multiple personal accounts by architects, planners, writers, sociologist, historians and critics, and abundantly illustrated with photographs and archive documents, this work narrates the saga of the Tower and the urban history of the metamorphosis of a neighbourhood. . A new anniversary publication which takes us back to the pleasures of the Montparnasse district and the atmosphere of the 1970s. .