
Ich & Kar : identités

Sato, Eko

  • Éditeur : Grafika
  • Collection : Design & designer : graphisme
  • ISBN 9782350172118
  • Paru le 4 février 2011
  • 21,95 $ *
  • Arts

* Les prix de nos produits sont sujets à changements sans préavis.


Helena Ichbiah et Piotr Karczewski réalisent un parcours d'exception dans l'univers de la mode et celui de la publicité, rivalisant d'imagination et d'astuce graphique pour s'imposer face aux grandes agences. La première construit des identités visuelles fondées sur un univers de couleur et raffole des impressions au façonnage complexe. Le second produit des images déjantées, fixes ou animées.

Quatrième de couverture

Ich&kar . « Straight on the rocks, please. » If Ich&Kar were a drink it would certainly not be a sugary watery cocktail... It would be a strong, smooth spirit ! Initiators of messages and imagery that become visual identity, Ich&Kar instils projects with an all-encompassing approach that transcends the subject by virtue of continual creativeness that carries sensuality, meaning and talent. This book is an invitation to discover the substance of the global brand products they create for hotels, restaurants and bars all over the world..

Ich&Kar is an irreverent graphic design duo with an original yet highly professional take on a variety of subjects. The team explores all modes of expression without relinquishing the trait of humour and sincerity that characterizes their work. Every project is transcribed in direct, straightforward, genuine language. « Reveal the obvious and transcend the initial project in order to tell a story » is their driving force. This book, entirely devoted to their visual identity projects, is designed to stage their most recent, innovating creations. Ranging from the modernist Esperanto of the Condesa df Hotel in Mexico City, to the tangy colours of the Maison Troisgros in Roanne, including the absolute luxury of the Sketch in London, Ich&Kar bewitches. Note to amateurs : the selection discloses a universe of challenging, quintessential graphics. Note to neophytes : this unique journey is an introduction to the distinctiveness of the trade..